Relationship between Hadir and Payroll
Understanding the relationship between Hadir and Payroll. If you choose the service to link Hadir with Payroll, below are the key factors that will affect the final salary amount in Payroll calculator.
- Employee pay type
Under Users -> Compensation tab
- We offer three different salary types - Monthly , Daily and Hourly.
- These types of pay will determine the final calculation method of your staff pay when they are being paid by attendance

2. Standard working hour setting
Under Payroll -> Payroll settings -> Standard Working Hour.
The number of working hours you insert here will have impact on Monthly and Daily pay workers.
3. Overtime setting
Under Payroll -> Payroll settings -> Overtime.
Rates you pre-set under this field will be shown in Hadir - Shift scheduling.
Under Hadir -> Shift scheduling -> New shift/edit shift
4. Compensation
Standard pay rate here will multiply with the standard compensation x hours worked.
5. Allowances
Shift and meal allowances amount you insert here will be shown in the payroll calculator.
6. Overtime
- Overtime setup here is dedicated for each shift you created.
- You will find the drop down list of overtime pay rate as per set in Payroll settings (no.3 above). Determine the rate and duration limit here will have impact on the final OT calculation in payroll.

Hadir -> Attendance record
7. Standard worked hour
- Standard worked hour shows up when admin approves the shift or when auto-approval takes place.
- Adjustment on standard worked hour can be made before the approval takes place.
8. Overtime worked hour
- Overtime worked hour shows up when admin approves the shift or when auto-approval takes place.
- Adjustment on overtime worked hour can be made before the approval takes place.
Tips: Make sure the attendance record is belong to the intended assign shift. You can always put a remark to record the changes you made on the attendance.

9. 2 Cycles
If you practice two cycles for your payroll, we have a good news to share! You are now able to select to include your attendances in which cycle.
Note: Make sure you have link Hadir with Payroll in order to see these options in payroll settings.
10. Monthly cut-off date
Under Hadir's setting page, you are now allowed to select a cut-off date for attendance pay (including salary pay, allowances and overtime pay).
For example:
- Will include approved attendance records from 25th January to 24th February for February payroll.
- Any attendances after 24th February, fall within 25th February to 24th March will be automatically included in the following month after you approved them.
Note: Please be reminded to double check all the attendance record before processing the payroll to avoid missing out attendances that are pending for approval for the related month.
How does it look like when Hadir (attendance record) is being linked into Payroll?
Scenario: June payroll, assuming Claricekkt worked the whole full month from Monday to Friday.
Based on below setup:
- Pay type: Daily
- Compensation pay rate : RM200/day
- Standard work hour setting : 8hrs/ day
- Standard work hour pay rate: 1.0
- Overtime work hour pay rate : 1.5
- Overtime limit : NA
- Total worked hour : 54
- Total overtime hour: 12
- Shift allowance : RM20/ day
- Meal allowance : Rm15/ day
Calculation should be :
Basic earnings: (daily compensation / working hours per day) x hours worked x standard pay rate
(RM200/8hrs) x 54 x 1.0 = RM 1350
Overtime earnings: (daily compensation / working hours per day) x OT hours worked x OT pay rate
(RM200/8hrs) x 12 x 1.5 = RM450
Shift allowance: Shift allowance x total worked days of the month
RM20 x 20 days = RM400
Meal allowance: Shift allowance x total worked days of the month
RM15 x 20 days = RM 300

Hope it helps!
You can always reach out to for further inquiries.